February 4th, 2025
We have three 15 week old Sealyham puppies available!
For more info, check out Christabelle's litter in
Afterglow Kennels, LLC has attained the American Kennel Club "Advanced Level Breeder of Merit" Silver of Champion Scottish Terriers (one of a handful) and rare Sealyham Terriers (the only one)
American Kennel Club - Advanced Level Breeder of Merit "Silver"
Scottish Terrier Club of America - Breeder of Merit Honor Roll - "Gold Level"
We have reached a big milestone!
We now have over 100 dogs listed in the OFA Health database and 41 dogs listed in the CHIC database showing our commitment to testing parents and puppies to provide families with the healthiest puppies possible. Read more about these on our FAQ Page.
We had a BLAST on Saturday, September 7th, 2024, at The College of Wooster (Ohio) as they hosted 50+ Scotties and their families at the second "Archie Ambassador Day" at their football stadium. We were VIP guests for their field hockey and football game that day. We got to see some of our Afterglow Families from hundreds of miles away that came for the event. We also made new friends too!
Everyone from Wooster was so wonderful and the students just swarmed the Scotties with many sharing that they missed their dogs back home and were so grateful we were there. The bagpiper band and parade were certainly highlights as well. Our "Epic" inflatable Scottie was draped in Wooster's school colors for the day and it seemed like everyone had their picture taken in front of him.
Check out the nice video the College of Wooster put together on their Facebook post.
We wore our kilts purchased from The Piper's Hut near us and our Scottie's wore their wonderful handmade kilts from Cozy Coats for Pets by Louisa. We cannot recommend enough how fabulous Louisa's artistry is. The dogs looked smashing and they knew it!
There were also veterinary technicians on hand at the Wooster event to collect samples to contribute to the Scottish Terrier Club of America HTF DNA Bank. These samples will be used by current and future researchers to investigate the causes of illnesses affecting our beloved Scotties including cancer, cramp, Cerebellar Abiotrophy (CA), liver shunt and others.
If you have a Scottie and would like to help the future of the breed, please participate! Most vets do not charge for the blood draw sample and the kit can be sent directly to your home.
This can include mixed-scotties as well as purebred. All Scottie DNA matters!
"BB Sinatra" (Afterglow's Chairman of the Board) (left) and his littermate sister, "Shirley" (GCHB Afterglow's Shirley Trewlove BCAT) (right) dressed fancy and ready for a carriage ride
Speed Thrills! Two Afterglow Sealyhams, Callie and Mary Poppins are in the
Top 5 for AKC FastCAT
The 2024 "Stuka" Scottie Meetup Day at The US Air Force Museum in Dayton on May 18, 2024 was so much fun!
To learn more about the event and see photos
For 2023 we had 3 of the 12 fastest Sealyhams in AKC Fast CAT in the USA!
Lisa Inman Lee is the principal owner and known world-wide for the breeding program of champions she oversees. She has been raising and showing dogs for over twenty-five years and whelped several litters of Afterglow puppies herself in her home.
Lisa and her team have worked with Hollywood in the past and two of her prized Sealyhams (CH Afterglows Rapunzel and Afterglows Cinderella) can be seen in the 2012 movie "Hitchcock" along with Sir Anthony Hopkins and Dame Helen Mirren.
Hitchcock loved his Sealys and they can be seen in the movie "The Birds" (1963) and in "Suspicion" (1941).
Bogart (Afterglow's Sir Bedivere) and Nash (Afterglow's A Storms A Coming) both competed at the Westminster 2020 Kennel Club Show
with Bogart earning an "Award of Merit"!
Bogart is owned by Pam Page, bred by Lisa Inman Lee and handled by Rebecca Cross
Nash is owned by Lisa Inman Lee and bred by Lisa Inman Lee and C. Hillhouse and handled by Kelsey Jesseph
Both Scotties and Sealys have been very popular with celebrities over the years.
Click here to see some of the celebrities that have owned Scottish Terriers
Click here to see some of the celebrities that have owned Sealyham Terriers